Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Few Pieces to Start

Emi picked these as her first few items to share on her blog:

Emi always knows exactly what she is drawing and there is usually an awesome story to go with them. She specifically said that she was showing a picture of an "oasis" and explained exactly what an "oasis" is.

A rainstorm. Colored pencil and marker on paper.

A heart flower created with marker, crayon, colored paper, cut and glued to white paper.

Some more flowers and clouds with marker and colored paper cut and glued to a background. She loves cutting and gluing.

Emi made this picture specifically for the blog. When we scanned it in she was a bit upset with the colors and wanted to "fix them". She knows what she wants it to look like. Again marker, crayon, colored paper, cut and glued to background.

Emi searched for a long time to find this in her saved pieces of artwork. It's a "polka dotted coffee cup and saucer" Crayon and pencil on paper.

Emi loves to use all kinds of materials. She often rescues boxes and bits and pieces of trash to make stuff with. No one ever knows if some little scrap of paper is part of an important "project". She loves to recycle and sees something in everything. Pencil and crayon on cardboard. It's an awesome birthday party.

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